Biomimicry in our life:

The term "biomimicry" first arose in 1982, and it was created and published by renowned scientist Janine Benyus in her most important work, released in 1997. (Biomimicry Innovation Inspired by Nature).
We must alter the way we perceive nature if we wish to intentionally imitate its brilliance. When practicing biomimicry, we use nature as a guide, benchmark, and mentor.

Nature as model:

For biomimicry, a new field of study that uses natural forms, processes, systems, and tactics to solve issues in a sustainable way. Known as the Biomimicry Tool, the Biomimicry Guild and its associates have created a useful design resource.

Nature as a measure : 

Biomimicry employs an ecological benchmark to assess the viability of our creations. Nature has figured out what endures and what succeeds after 3.8 billion years of evolution. The evaluate stage of the Biomimicry-Design-Spiral incorporates Life's Principles, which encapsulate nature as a unit of measurement.

Nature as a mentor: 

Biomimicry is a novel perspective on and appreciation of nature. It ushers in a new era that values what we can learn from nature rather than what we can take from it


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